Ngā rongo kōrero

Insights & News

Leading through influence and insight, we offer more than our technical expertise. We’re open minded, diverse thinkers who believe in inspiring confidence in our clients and each other.

Commission files its first criminal cartel charges against two construction companies

Supreme Court allows Smith climate change challenge to proceed to trial

Consumer Data Right Update – proposed penalties, supervisory authorities, in-scope sectors and approach to accreditation and fees

Private Infrastructure Investment in New Zealand: A Market Update

He aha ai? The role of Te Tiriti in policy and legislative development

Class action developments in the trans-Tasman context

Severe weather, frustration and force majeure

Russell McVeagh advises on major wealth asset management transaction

EU reaches provisional agreement on world-first AI law

Lines of travel – new Government's support for investment by electricity lines companies into renewable energy projects

8 emerging leaders promoted to senior associate at Russell McVeagh

Russell McVeagh's four-time Client Choice winners

5 key takeaways from the Sustainability Leaders' Summit 2023

Six key takeaways for New Zealand from the 2023 Offshore Wind Australia Conference

Four partner appointments enhance Russell McVeagh partnership

Law Firm Leader of the Year

Poachers play gamekeeper – MeridianLink and lessons from offshore for NZ listed companies facing cyber attacks

Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year: Bradley Aburn

Russell McVeagh named NZ Large Law Firm of the Year

Privacy Commissioner to release biometrics code exposure draft in early 2024

Russell McVeagh expands private client offering with new special counsel

Nature for Business – reflections on our conversation with Vicky Robertson

Reserve Bank publishes final consultation on Branch Review

Commerce Commission's influence over energy transition

Exceptional women leaders

A new turn for offshore oil and gas exploration in New Zealand?

IFLR1000 2023: Top Tier Firm

National Party's Electrify NZ Policy Announcement

Russell McVeagh's all-round top tax team

Restructuring and Redundancies 101 – Key Considerations

AI tools – OPC releases guidance for organisations using AI tools

Whakaari / White Island: lessons for directors following dismissal of WorkSafe charges against directors

Expanding the Privacy Act's notification regime – Privacy Amendment Bill introduced

'NZ Firm of the Year' and 'Pro Bono National Firm of the Year'

14 Excellence Awardee (Finalist) placings ahead of NZ Law Awards

National Tax Plan 2023

Supreme Court confirms Mainzeal directors liable for $39.8m and calls for law reform

Australia "greenwashing" updates – guidance and proceedings issued

Russell McVeagh named an Employer of Choice

Three days of Govt energy announcements put wind in NZ's 100%-renewable-energy-target sail

A Gift to Consumers: Submissions open on the Fair Trading (Gift Card Expiry) Amendment Bill

Government greenlights modern slavery legislation for New Zealand

18 finalist placings ahead of Women in Business Law Awards

Government increases emissions prices following successful judicial review

Russell McVeagh named Official Legal Partner of the Rainbow Games Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland 2024

Nathaniel Walker recognised as one of NZ's best Private Wealth Law experts

New National Direction on Indigenous Biodiversity

Consents for change of control of oil and gas assets in New Zealand

Tim Clarke named on Most Influential Lawyers list

First New Zealand case on FMCA stop orders

Kylie Dunn recognised as Pre-eminent in Employment Law

Russell McVeagh assists QIC in its successful acquisition for 50% interest in Vector Metering

AML/CFT regulations changes: a mixed bag for reporting entities

Delivering renewables in Aotearoa New Zealand: reflections from Building Nations 2023

Customer and Product Data Bill – the proposed New Zealand consumer data right regime

Climate-related disclosures update: multiple consultations and guidance documents released

Environment Select Committee recommends strengthening environmental protection through RMA reform

Russell McVeagh named a leading litigation firm

GST on directors' fees - further Inland Revenue guidance regarding use of personal services company

Government launches consultation on Emissions Trading Scheme

Why low-emission credentials are increasingly critical when raising capital

New Zealand introduces Bill to implement GloBE rules

Affordable Water Reform – Final bill introduced

5 key learnings from the use of digital twin technology in the Cross River Rail project in Brisbane

Ad tech practices called into question in the EU – what are the broader considerations for the "data as payment" model?

Therapeutic Products Bill closer to passing as select committee report released

Affordable Water Reform – Legislative package continues to flow through Parliament

Allison Arthur-Young – Diversity Champion of the Year Finalist

COFI: FMA seeks feedback on draft guidance note on intermediated distribution

Generative AI – OPC releases guidance for companies looking to adopt generative AI

Best of luck to our clients ahead of the 2023 INFINZ Awards

Action by Australian regulators highlights greenwashing risks for financial institutions and other businesses

Climate change directors' duties: High Court of England and Wales dismisses novel claim (ClientEarth v Shell plc)

AML/CFT Act review: Draft regulations released for consultation

Incorporated Societies Act replaced after more than a century

New Zealand's new offshore wind regulatory framework - Catching up with Australia, Asia and Europe

Wellbeing Budget 2023 – Support for today, building for tomorrow

Government releases the Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan

Freshwater allocation under the Natural and Built Environment Bill

Russell McVeagh advises Summerset on newly consented Half Moon Bay retirement village

Commission publishes guidance on retail payment surcharging: key takeaways for merchants and payment service providers

Russell McVeagh achieves GenderTick

New Zealand Law Firm of the Year

Russell McVeagh changemakers named Global Women members

Open for consultation: Climate Change Commission's advice on the second emissions reduction plan

Cash not accepted: new prohibition on cash transactions for high value goods

Enabling renewable energy generation and electricity transmission in Aotearoa – new consultation documents released

45 Russell McVeagh lawyers named New Zealand's Best Lawyers®

High Court issues judgment in first defended market manipulation case under the FMCA

Deposit Takers Bill: The Select Committee recommends amendments

Climate Change Commission urges Government to reduce ETS unit supply and raise trigger prices

Changes bring clarity to the retentions regime

Three Waters becomes Affordable Water - Changes Explained

NZ oil and gas sector – Continued transition and regulatory framework

Aotearoa New Zealand: Dispute Resolution Overview

Build-to-Rent: an emerging asset class in New Zealand

Lobbying review – chance for industry leadership

Reform of the emissions trading scheme: changes on the horizon

Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill passes third and final reading

RBNZ seeks feedback on guidance for managing climate-related risks

Significant amendments to New Zealand's competition law framework imminent

Credit Suisse as another test case for NZ's Deposit Takers Bill

Russell McVeagh bolsters Employment team with new senior hire

The Commerce Commission shares its 2023 regulatory work plan for the retail payment system

Russell McVeagh expands Wellington-based Real Estate & Construction team

D&O cover: Recent themes and key considerations

Russell McVeagh welcomes new Wellington-based Real Estate & Construction partner

Silicon Valley Bank as a test case for New Zealand's Deposit Takers Bill

GST on Directors' fees - Inland Revenue issues new public guidance

Government takes the plunge and introduces first Three Waters legislation into Parliament

Water Services Act 2021 has critical implications for wastewater

Law Commission releases final report on class actions and litigation funding

High Court confirms banks best placed to manage their own AML/CFT risks

Du Val Capital Partners Ltd v FMA: Not all wholesale investors are created equal

Fast and Furious - getting the most out of the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act

Musk vs Twitter - a legal view

Two Russell McVeagh partners named on Most Influential lawyers list

COFI Standard Licence Conditions Consultation

Arbitration and iwi disputes: Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu v Attorney-General

15 finalist placings ahead of Women in Business Law Awards, Asia-Pacific

Change of Government in Australia heralded as a win for climate: how do the new government's plans compare to Aotearoa?

COFI: UK Financial Conduct Authority confirms Consumer Duty

Russell McVeagh's role in supporting clients' achievements highlighted

ACCC criminal cartel case abandoned after 6 years: who counts the human cost?

Breaking Ground - Autumn 2022

Commission reviews input methodologies under Part 4 of the Commerce Act

Powering ahead with offshore wind regulatory settings – is Aotearoa New Zealand open for business?

New Zealand launches OECD “Pillar Two” consultation

The winds are changing - can the NZ legal system keep up?

Insurance Regulation Update: Insurance Contracts Bill – Exposure Draft

Mainzeal appeal heard by Supreme Court

Russell McVeagh named NZ Law Firm of the Year at pan-Asia Awards

Consultation Open on Vaping Regulations

Implications of the UK Supreme Court's ruling on Business Interruption clauses and COVID-19

Independent Climate Change Commission Advice: Where to next?

Russell McVeagh's Team Effort Recognised by Legal 500

Allison Arthur-Young appointed Russell McVeagh's new Board Chair

Russell McVeagh's Rising Stars highlighted

Financial Markets (Conduct of Financial Institutions) Amendment Bill Update

Changes to Vaccination mandates and passes

Russia Sanctions – what do they mean for AML/CFT reporting entities (and everyone else)?

Joe Windmeyer and team recognised ahead of Australasian Law Awards

Can employers require employees to be vaccinated?

Repeal and Replacement of the RMA Confirmed

Responsible Lending Code: Final Piece of the Puzzle

Climate change litigation: trending upwards

The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, releases report on energy infrastructure

Kiwifruit growers settle class action with the Crown

Sharma appeal decision: no novel duty of care owed

New European guidelines on Data Breach notification provide helpful guidance for New Zealand agencies

The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga, releases report on water infrastructure

An early insight into the future of anti-money laundering regulation in New Zealand

OIO fee review underway

Reminder: Employment Obligations In Alert Level 3

Changes to the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No 3)

Significant amendments to the Commerce Act introduced in Parliament

Tax Partner Greg Neill returns to Russell McVeagh

Emissions trading auctioning begins: More market governance to follow

New Zealand set to introduce new business continuity test for tax loss carry-forward rules

Government announces drastic residential property tax reforms

Mainzeal judgment: Court of Appeal finds directors liable with quantum still to be clarified

Australia is looking to ease its continuous disclosure laws – should we do the same?

Cartels are now a crime in New Zealand

National direction and guidance under the resource management system on greenhouse gases out for consultation

Climate-related financial disclosure regime – introduction to Parliament

Consumer Law Alert – second reading of the Fair Trading Amendment Bill

37 Russell McVeagh lawyers recognised as Best Lawyers®

New Zealand Government consults on the taxation of the gig and sharing economy

The Fair Pay Agreements Bill

Parliament passes significant amendments to New Zealand's competition law framework

New "significant business assets" OIO consent thresholds for Australian investors announced

Tikanga-based resolution: CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd v Tūhoe Establishment Trust

Privacy regulation of biometrics in NZ – Privacy Commissioner invites submissions

Minister Bayly outlines priorities for the financial services sector

Russell McVeagh assists on Fisher Funds' acquisition of Kiwi Wealth

Major Fair Trading Act changes in force today – Commission issues guidance

European Commission's tick of approval means free flowing data but where to next?

10 Deal nominations for Russell McVeagh ahead of NZ Law Awards

FMA releases guidance on managed fund fees and value for money

It's the putting right that counts: Commerce Commission issues draft guidance on the approach to customer remediation

Green Hydrogen: Opportunities for New Zealand

The European Commission to release wide-ranging rules to regulate AI in the European Union

Environment, Planning and Natural Resources: What to expect in 2024

What is "unconscionable conduct"? The Australian definition morphs again

What the Health? DHB Gone!

Discussion Documents released on Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Bill

Climate-related financial disclosures – submissions are open

Border protection notices: an important update on costs

What next for Local Government?

The European Commission's proposal for "trustworthy AI" regulation

When not to defend a FTA prosecution and when might an in-house counsel give evidence? District Court finds Vodafone guilty in relation to FibreX

New Zealand's report card on anti-money laundering efforts released

Russell McVeagh wishes INFINZ Awards' nominees best of luck

From one Commission to another

Managing the timing of disclosures under the listing rules

Corporate partner Ian Beaumont finalist for NZ Dealmaker of the Year Award

Employment Update: Fair Pay Agreements

When privacy can be misleading

The market power test that New Zealand wants to copy gets tested in Australia. What can we learn?

Regulating Merchant Service Fees: Retail Payments Systems Bill to be introduced

EU imposes fines of €371 million for bond trading cartel

New broader proposals to streamline High Court proceedings

Overseas Investment Amendment Bill (No 3) passes Third Reading

Opportunity to Consult on the Future of New Zealand's Infrastructure

How trustees can deal with missing beneficiaries

Lessons for directors from Mainzeal

Trust transparency: when should a trustee disclose legal advice to beneficiaries?

Russell McVeagh assists on largest sustainability linked loan in New Zealand

Russell McVeagh advises RainbowYOUTH on merger with OuterSpaces

Construction Update: Proposed legislative changes to the retentions regime

Director and senior manager liability under CCCFA

Litigation Update: significant developments in climate-related litigation overseas

Class Actions in New Zealand – an update

Energy Blog: 2023 in review and what this means for 2024

Time for your contributions and feedback – COVID-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry

Local Water Done Well - First stage implemented with repeal of Affordable Water Reform

Major Changes to Seismic Building Standards

New Zealand's offshore renewable regime - Drawing on Australia's approach

Financeability in revenue cap decisions for electricity distribution businesses

Trustee tax rate increase highlights continuing tax avoidance uncertainty

Commerce Commission updates Cartel Leniency and Immunity Policy after almost two decades - what you need to know

Potential retail payments regulation on the horizon

Government implements its commitment to reverse regulation of smoked tobacco products

Australia makes progress towards an Anti-Slavery Commissioner - what this means for NZ's future modern slavery regime

New Government pushing ahead with changes in approach to overseas investment

Investing in lines companies in New Zealand - Key Considerations

The Climate Change Commission's final advice to the Government & what happens next

Employment law update – are changes on the way?

Government seeks to make it harder for youth to obtain vaping products

Important High Court decision on customary marine title

Russell McVeagh advises on significant solar farm project

When to notify: Will the Office of the Privacy Commissioner shortly be using its enforcement powers?

Litigating disputes under NZS 3910: a recent case

Three Waters: What's in the pipeline?

Top recognition by Asia-Pacific's leading legal guides

Sellers bear the brunt of new oil & gas decommissioning rules

Environmental Limits and Positive Outcomes: a first look at the details of the new resource management system

Three Waters: Four new entities proposed

Employment expert joins Russell McVeagh Partnership

New purchase price allocation rules now in force

Russell McVeagh acts on Westpac Life sale

New Zealand Government to introduce a Consumer Data Right

Breaking Ground - Summer 2023 Edition

Watching Brief - September 2023

Russell McVeagh announces new Board Chair

Russell McVeagh Tax team recognised ahead of Asia-Pacific Tax Awards 2021

Supreme Court allows appeal of Bathurst Resources and provides authoritative judgment on contractual interpretation

Three Waters: Government announces $2.5 billion package to support local government transition

Enforcing health and safety duties

Russell McVeagh partner Nathaniel Walker's Private Wealth Law expertise highlighted

19 finalist placings ahead of pan-Asia Women in Business Law Awards 2021

High-profile cases demonstrate how seriously privacy being taken by the courts

Managing escalation in construction projects

Chambers and Partners Securitisation Guide 2024 – New Zealand

Planning for the amended Fair Trading Act - practical tips for small trade contracts

Full steam ahead for climate-related reporting

Pro Bono Overview 2023 - Assisting our communities in Aotearoa New Zealand

COVID-19 – Order specifies requirements at Alert Level 4

Four top young talents named Rising Stars

Fair Trading Amendment Bill receives Royal Assent – some changes in effect immediately

Fast-track Approvals Bill

Russell McVeagh assists on largest sustainability linked loan for 2021

Breaking Ground - Spring 2023 Edition

Here we go again – what employers need to know about lockdown

Russell McVeagh provides support for iwi housing development

Watching Brief - March 2024

Russell McVeagh shortlisted across full spectrum ahead of NZ Law Awards

Reserve Bank seeks further feedback on Depositor Compensation Scheme regulations

What you need to know about competition law during a pandemic

Advertising Standards Authority releases draft Financial Advertising Code

Energy Policies in an Election Year

Let's Talk Climate

Watching Brief - Election 2023 Special Edition

2023 ESG Overview: Our Contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand | Tō tātou ki Aotearoa

6 Key Takeaways from Building Nations 2023

Arbitration Year in Review 2023

New Order isolates Auckland from the rest of New Zealand

The vaccination debate – first snapshot from the Authority

One short phone call ends in penalties for cartel conduct

Changes to electricity regulation focus on consumer interests and innovation

Sustainable finance taxonomy on the horizon for New Zealand

Spotlight on Infrastructure

Environment, Planning and Natural Resources: What to look out for in 2023

Energy Blog: What's to come in 2023

Leading Firm advising on Climate Change, Governance and Sustainability

Green claims and substantiation: is your disposable coffee cup recyclable?

Russell McVeagh assists with SG Fleet's acquisition of LeasePlan Australia and New Zealand

RMA system reform has critical implications for Three Waters

Russell McVeagh's Competition/Antitrust practice recognised once again as preeminent in New Zealand

Energy opportunities from the Fast-track Approvals Bill

New tax disclosure requirements for overseas investment

5 Russell McVeagh partners named 'Lawyer of the Year' at pan-Asia Women in Business Law Awards

Russell McVeagh assisting with Park & Ride bus campaign for mobile vaccination drive

Blog: Focus on Energy

A Guide to Investing in New Zealand

Whakamāramatanga Series

Trusts Reform Series - Improving the Management of New Zealand Trusts

Trusts Reform Series, Part 1: Information Retention and Disclosure

Trusts Reform Series, Part 2: Trustee duties, exemptions, and indemnities

New climate change policy focuses on transport sector

Trusts Reform Series, Part 3: Third Party Creditors

When lowest prices don't have to be the lowest – the end of the Bunnings saga?

Russell McVeagh assists on world-first green loan certification

Trusts Reform Series, Part 4: Specified Commercial Trusts

Environmental Policy and RMA Reform Update

Breaking Ground - Autumn 2024

Rent relief for "no access in an emergency" inserted into leases

Trusts Reform Series, Part 5: The Court's role in regulating trusts

A win for privacy and our online identities? – Introduction of the new Digital Identity Bill and how it will affect you and your business

Remedies for breach of financial warranties

Fast-track process to be extended, Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development released, and new timeframes proposed for emissions reduction plan.

Amending directors' duties for company stakeholders

AML/CFT Statutory Review Consultation 2021 and CPD Seminar

Our COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

Consultation now open ahead of New Zealand's Emissions Reduction Plan

Russell McVeagh Partners win 2021 Client Choice Awards

Vaccination – let's get to the point…

New Bill introduced to tackle housing crisis in New Zealand

Clarity on discretionary payments and holiday pay

Climate change developments continue at pace

Retail Payment System Bill passes first reading

The Government confirms it is proceeding with Three Waters Reform

Tort claims – an unsuitable vehicle for addressing climate change

Select Committee responds to submissions on Exposure Draft of the Natural and Built Environments Bill

Russell McVeagh assists on Sustainable Finance Programme

Generative AI - class action

Watching Brief - February 2023

The Māori Language Act 2016

Whakamāramatanga Series: The Public Service Act 2020

Climate Change Outlook 2023

Māori business procurement targets

Supreme Court considers place of tikanga in the law - judgment on continuation of Ellis appeal

Breaking Ground - Autumn 2023

The Digital Download: 2023 – Tech Year in Review

Watching Brief - May 2023

The Digital Download: Generative AI

ESG Blog

Budget 2023 – no frills, bread-and-butter, Energy budget

Auckland Airport resets post-COVID infrastructure plans

Breaking Ground - Winter 2023

Three Waters: Where to from here?

Government seeks feedback on pricing agricultural emissions

With Black Friday around the corner...updates for financial advertising and for all businesses on price promotions

Watching Brief: Final election results – New Zealand First holds balance of power

Russell McVeagh wins Equity Market Deal of the Year at NZ Law Awards

Retreat! Critical year ahead for climate change adaptation

Vaccination Legislation update

Major UK Supreme Court decision released regarding the duties of directors of companies approaching insolvency

Watching Brief - Post-Coalition Agreement

Five partner appointments enhance Russell McVeagh partnership

Employment Law: What to look out for in 2023

Russell McVeagh assists on the sale of BNZ Life

Four Rising Stars recognised in pan-Asia-Pacific Awards

Guidance for visiting our offices under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework

Competition Law: Year in Review 2021

Whakamāramatanga Series: Supreme Court considers place of tikanga in the law - judgment on continuation of Ellis appeal

The Commerce Commission seeks input on draft guidelines for the new market power prohibition

Russell McVeagh grows senior ranks with 9 new Senior Associates

Considerations for collaborative procurement and contracting

Innovative financing model to accelerate adoption of low emissions vehicles

UBER DECISION – the Employment Court's latest word on the contractor/employee issue

Consumer Law: Year in Review 2021

Financial Professional Services Trading Advice Transparency Bill

Restructuring & Insolvency 2021 Year in Review

Russell McVeagh ranks Top Tier in Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific 2022 Guide

Investing in utility scale solar in New Zealand: top 4 legal considerations

Environment, Planning and Natural Resources Year in Review 2021

Reducing energy emissions: Government releases terms of reference

Consumer Data Right

Restructuring & Insolvency 2022/23: The year that was and what's to come

The Digital Download - Taking SaaS to the World

Consumer Law: Year in Review 2023

Corporate Law: Year in Review 2023

Competition Law: Year in Review 2023

Private Client: Year in Review 2023

The Digital Download: The Cybersecurity Edition

Restructuring and Insolvency: Year in Review 2023

Russell McVeagh leaders recognised in 'Elite Women' special feature

Agreements in relation to competitive keyword advertising declared cartel conduct

RBNZ Consultation Update - Exposure Draft of Deposit Takers Bill

RMA Reform Series

Consumer Law: Year in Review 2022

Competition Law Year in Review 2022

Environment, Planning and Natural Resources: What to look out for in 2022

COVID-19 – helping you navigate the legal implications

ESG 2023 round-up and trends to watch

Our Most Popular Insights of 2023

Watching Brief - Coalition Government Policy Priority Matrix

Watching Brief - February 2022

Watching Brief - May 2022

Watching Brief - February 2020

Breaking Ground - Winter 2022

Watching Brief - COVID-19 Special Edition

National Interest Test and Call-in Powers

Watching Brief - August 2022

Reduction of the scope of the Act

Overseas Investment Amendment Bill Series (Article 3): Simplifying the existing tests

Overseas Investment Amendment Bill Series (Article 4): Application processing times, penalties, new enforcement tools and implementation issues

Overseas Investment Amendment Bill Series

Watching Brief - November 2022

Breaking Ground - Summer 2022 Edition

Watching Brief - February 2021

Russell McVeagh welcomes six senior appointments

New Build to Rent Directive Letter could have wider implications

Seeing the wood for the trees - a clearer path forward for farm to forest conversions

Watching Brief - April 2021

Watching Brief - July 2021

Watching Brief - September 2021

Watching Brief - December 2021

Deposit Takers Reform Series

Deposit Takers Reform Series (Article 1): The Regulatory Perimeter

Deposit Takers Reform Series (Article 2): Liability and Accountability of Deposit Takers' Directors

Deposit Takers Reform Series (Article 3): Resolution and Crisis Management

Deposit Takers Reform Series (Article 4): Supervision and Enforcement

Deposit Takers Reform Series (Article 5): Depositor Protection

The Digital Download

Watching Brief

RMA Reform Series 2020

RMA Reform Series (Part 1): Strategic Integration

RMA Reform Series (Part 2): National Direction in the Randerson Report

RMA Reform Series (Part 3): Allocation of Freshwater

RMA Reform Series (Part 4): Consents

RMA Reform Series (Part 5): Compliance, Monitoring & Enforcement

Proposed changes to New Zealand's foreign investment consent rules to include tax measures

Litigation Update – Submissions open on Rules Committee proposals

$12 billion announced for infrastructure – Auckland clear winner

The Coronavirus and the Workplace

Building a Kiwi Data Economy - Minister to invite feedback

Consumer Data Right rules established for the Australian banking sector

Submissions open on Fair Trading Amendment Bill: unconscionable conduct and unfair contract terms

Progress update on the response to the Electricity Price Review recommendations

Statutory review of Australia's Consumer Data Right – a "playbook" for New Zealand

Resource management reform – Will it move the dial for infrastructure?

Leading litigators named in inaugural Arbitration Powerlist: Australasia

Judicial review of climate change decisions: key themes from recent key cases

Statutory report on AML/CFT Act: What's changing first

Spotlight on net zero pledges: greenwashing advice released

Russell McVeagh recognised for Equity Market and Project Finance expertise at 2022 NZ Law Awards

Consumer Data Right Update – Banking to be the first cab off the rank

Multi-owner projects: 3 governance considerations for owners

New resource management legislation: Top 10 things to know

Three-time Winners of Exclusive Client Choice Awards

Three Waters Reform – Select Committee suggests changes to Water Services Entities Bill

Russell McVeagh welcomes 4 new seniors across Corporate and Litigation

High Court dismisses judicial review of Climate Change Commission advice

Home-grown talented Real Estate lawyer promoted at Russell McVeagh

COFI: FMA publishes standard licence conditions, application guidance and fair conduct programme information sheet

Therapeutic Products Bill introduced to Parliament

Unlocking the potential of BIM

Three promoted to Special Counsel at Russell McVeagh

Royal Commission of Inquiry to establish lessons learned from NZ's COVID-19 response

Russell McVeagh inducted into Asia-Pacific's first Green Guide

Three Waters Reform: Government takes three big steps

Guidance from Australian court when changing privacy policies and telling consumers

Russell McVeagh promotes Six to Senior Associate

Three Russell McVeagh leaders named in Elite Women list 2022

Enhancing access to justice through our courts, but what about Alternative Dispute Resolution?

XRB issues final climate standards broadly in line with exposure drafts

Top Rankings in latest Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific Guide

Allison Arthur-Young again recognised as one of NZ's Most Influential Lawyers

Lessons from the UK and ScotWind

Income tax treatment of forestry carbon credits - time for a change?

Climate-related disclosure framework: Get ready to report

IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2022

41 Russell McVeagh lawyers named New Zealand's Best Lawyers®

Our updated COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

COVID-19 – Our response

New Modern Slavery legislation for New Zealand

Russell McVeagh assists on Goodman's Green Bonds Issuance

Intensification Streamlined Planning Processes

"Adapt and thrive": Government invites submissions on draft first national adaptation plan

Digging NZ out of its infrastructure deficit hole – Te Waihanga's bold 30 year infrastructure strategy

Russell McVeagh claims Five Stars in Benchmark Litigation rankings

Tip of the melting iceberg: Emissions Reduction Plan signals extensive climate change policy development over the next four years

Wishing our clients success ahead of 2022 INFINZ Awards

Supreme Court clarifies law on termination of contract for non-fulfilment of a condition

Energy Blog: Emissions Reduction Plan

Budget 2022: The Ghost of Michael Cullen

The role of climate change in Three Waters reform

District Court dismisses charges against NEMA for Whakaari disaster

Competition and Regulatory law specialists promoted to Russell McVeagh partnership

Energy Blog: Lessons from Australia on Offshore Wind

Expanding the Privacy Act's notification regime – Ministry of Justice invites feedback

Episode 1: Taking SaaS to the World

Episode 2: SaaS and privacy considerations

Episode 3: LawVu - A Global SaaS Success Story

Episode 4: SaaS and AI

Episode 5: Modica Market Entry

Episode 6: Investing in a SaaS Business

Episode 7: SaaS Agreements - Top Tips

Government releases a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa

Back in the fold: considering greenhouse gases under the RMA

Russell McVeagh wins White Camellia Award for its work promoting equality

RBNZ and FMA joint consultation on draft FMI Standards

Consultations released on regulations and fees for Conduct of Financial Institutions regime

Client money and property services: draft guidance consultation

New Zealand onshore renewables: Equity financing at the project level

Top recognition in Capital Markets law

Fair Pay Agreements - The Select Committee Report is in

Russell McVeagh named Regional Firm of the Year at Global Competition Review Awards

OPC releases exposure draft of a biometrics privacy code

Breaking Ground: Construction Law Quarterly

Russell McVeagh celebrates new leading rankings in Legal 500 guide

Russell McVeagh welcomes new senior associate

Russell McVeagh's Competition team receives elite ranking

Russell McVeagh's Rising Stars

Coronavirus – contractual performance amidst a global outbreak

New Zealand Inland Revenue proposes reforms to rules for purchase price allocation

Acclaimed litigator Kirsten Massey joins Russell McVeagh partnership

Government introduces Bill to regulate vaping products

NZX Regulation Oversight and Engagement Report 2020

Climate change litigation – Expect the Unexpected

Gas Information Disclosure Regime to be Introduced

Travel restrictions: Key legal considerations

Government announces economic response package to Coronavirus

Coronavirus and crisis cartels

We have a date for the Privacy Bill

COVID-19 responses: The Government and Commission indicate a "flexible" approach to competition law

Russell McVeagh pro bono client Home Guard NZ calls on latent medical staff in COVID-19 response

Timeframes shift for financial services reforms

Electronic Signatures: Using technology to minimise COVID-19 business disruption for contracts

Climate Change Centre Stage in the Environment Committee's Report on RMA Amendment Bill

New Zealand: Inland Revenue proposes retrospective amendments to tax treatment of crypto-assets

Supreme Court clarifies scope of the cartel prohibition

Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19

Responsible lending in the context of COVID-19 challenges

Changes to Companies Act to support businesses

Appellate Courts Making Waves on the Exclusive Economic Zone Legislation

COVID-19 - Temporary changes announced to support businesses with rent and mortgage payments

Insolvency case recognises trusts over cryptocurrency in Ruscoe v Cryptopia

Fast tracking infrastructure

COVID-19 - Government issues guidance for businesses on Alert Level 3

Picking up the Pieces: Acquiring Distressed Assets in the Time of COVID-19

Latest COVID-19 tax measures include reforms to tax loss rules

Contact Tracing Apps - key privacy and data protection considerations

Covid-19 – New Construction Protocols provide guidance on how sites should operate under Alert Level 3

COVID-19 – Health Act Order specifies requirements at Alert Level 3

Latest COVID-19 tax measures passed under urgency

The Government's Fast-Track Consenting Bill on track

COVID Cooperation: Commerce Commission issues guidelines

Further law changes proposed to respond to COVID-19

COVID-19 –Taking your business to the next (Alert) Level

Details released on Fast-track Consenting Bill

COVID-19 – New Act and Order specify requirements at Alert Level 2

Details of business support measures released in new Bill

Select Committee Report: Overseas Investment (Urgent Measures) Bill

Russell McVeagh assists on strategic infrastructure sale

In the wake of COVID-19, the Government stays firm on action for healthy waterways

Overseas Investment (Urgent Measures) Amendment Act to come into force 16 June 2020

Electrix Limited v The Fletcher Construction Company Limited

Corporate partner joins Russell McVeagh

Fast tracked changes to New Zealand's foreign investment consent rules include tax measures

Government proposes to imply rent abatement clauses in certain commercial leases

Instagram advertising: new ASA decision requires better hashtags for influencer content

FMA releases Market Operator Obligations Review of NZX, with emphasis on continuous disclosure

Russell McVeagh advises on ANZ's sale of UDC

Emissions trading reform takes another step

It's not easy being green: Commerce Commission Releases New Guidelines for "Green Marketing"

Equal Pay Amendments passed into law

Supreme Court updates the test for penalty clauses in New Zealand

AML: High Court imposes $7.585 million in civil penalties

Russell McVeagh assists clients with significant transactions in challenging environment

RIP RMA - Randerson Report recommends dismantling the Resource Management Act

Government to further expand Commerce Commission's powers from 2021

Changes to foreign investment consent rules include tax measures

A Tale of Two Consumer Credit Decisions

Breaking Ground - Winter 2021

Breaking Ground - Autumn 2021

A Guide to Investing in New Zealand - 2024

COFI Bill - Supplementary Order Paper Released

Breaking Ground - Spring 2021

Breaking Ground - Summer 2021

Finalists for 3 Top Asia-Pacific Awards

A right to repair in New Zealand?

Fresh updates in the freshwater space

Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment Bill Progresses to Next Stage

Schemes of Arrangement: Round-up

Russell McVeagh advises Tilt Renewables on its return of capital by scheme of arrangement during COVID-19 restrictions

Tax policies to feature prominently in New Zealand’s general election

MBIE issues CCCFA updates

The AML/CFT Act Supervisors issue new guidance regarding identity verification

COVID-19 – Building and Construction Update

Government introduces COVID-19 Recovery Fast-track Consenting Bill

To opt-in, or opt-out, that is the question... facing the Supreme Court in the Ross appeal

Lock it in – safeguarding permitted activities in resource consents: Marlborough District Council v Zindia

Consultation on the proposed standard conditions for financial advice provider full licences and classes of financial advice

FMA statement on director liability and continuous disclosure

Liability for the employees of another entity – what to watch out for

Privacy Act 2020 to come into effect on 1 December

Environment Select Committee reports back on COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill

New Zealand Consumer Data Right – MBIE invites submissions

New Privacy Regulations under the Privacy Act 2020: communicating privacy breaches publicly

Cybersecurity in the new normal

Construction disputes: how to respond to an adjudication claim

What's next for the Fair Trading Amendment Bill?

Draft guidance on non-resident employers' tax obligations for employees in New Zealand

Russell McVeagh advises ANZ on completion of milestone UDC sale

Russell McVeagh advises UDC on $2 billion auto and equipment finance-backed securitisation

Expiration of directors' safe harbour provisions

Can't travel? Don’t worry, your information can…

Russell McVeagh secures 15 finalist placings ahead of 2020 NZ Law Awards

Significant milestone for development of fibre services regulation

Climate-related Financial Disclosures: Comply-or-Explain

Russell McVeagh advises on Scentre Group's inaugural US$3b subordinated hybrid notes issue

Digital Services Tax Features in Labour Party Tax Policy

FMA continues to toughen stance on governance and compliance

Delivering new infrastructure for New Zealand – the role private sector investors can play

COVID-19 commercial rent dispute resolution services

IPSA review back underway and Solvency Standards review commences

Russell McVeagh advises on Fonterra's sale of China farms

Overpromising and under-delivering? The risk to infrastructure in a revised resource management system

Financial Regulation Update – A focus on KiwiSaver

Metlifecare scheme of arrangement passes final hurdle following shareholder objection

Watching Brief - June 2020

Watching Brief - August 2020

Green light for the COVID-19 Traffic Light System

Construction Disputes Update: Going to court to protect your retentions

Details of the new Government

MoJ consulting on "prescribed countries" for overseas disclosure of personal information

FMA releases consultation paper on KiwiSaver fees

Standard conditions for financial advice provider full licences

Risk and opportunity for New Zealand's construction sector as disputes climb

Building Up New Zealand's Construction Industry

Consumer Law Alert – Court of Appeal reduces record fines imposed on Steel & Tube for FTA breaches

Russell McVeagh advises on world-leading natural disaster insurance claims model

Kim Dotcom wins privacy appeal in the Court of Appeal

New Zealand government expects to focus on the taxation of MNEs post-election

Our Contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand | Tō tātou ki Aotearoa

Here we go again - more CCCFA reform

Duties to customers: the impact of the Whakaari Island Disaster on the tourism supply chain

Government to rEV up NZ's charging network and reduce red tape

Top ranking firm for Litigation

Insurance Contracts Legislation: Everything Everywhere All at Once

Chambers and Partners Corporate Tax Guide 2024 - New Zealand

Russell McVeagh assists the Bostock Group with two significant transactions

"Phase 2" Discussion Papers Released: Fit for Purpose Financial Services Reform

Tax rules applying to limited partnerships - Russell McVeagh submissions on Inland Revenue guidance

Budget 2024 - Election commitments to the squeezed middle, and a laser focus on returning to surplus

Budget 2024 - What's in it for the energy sector?

Local Water Done Well flows on – Second bill introduced

Customer and Product Data Bill – the proposed New Zealand consumer data right regime

Pro Bono Overview 2024 – Assisting our communities in Aotearoa New Zealand

New OIO Ministerial Directive Letter signals NZ open for investment, further overhaul of Act coming

Ministry for Regulation kicks off first sector review into early childhood education

Judicial Review of Trustee Decision Making – Trusts Act 2019

New consent pathway introduced under the Overseas Investment (Build to Rent and Similar Rental Developments) Amendment Bill

Reserve Bank consults on core standards

Cover or no cover? Interpretation of a W&I insurance policy

The Legal 500: Renewable Energy Comparative Guide

In the Spotlight

Wagatha Christie - The Debrief

Protection of journalistic sources: NZ and UK

Watching Brief - June 2024

Lexology In-Depth: Public-Private Partnerships - Edition 10 – New Zealand

Breaking Ground - Winter 2024 Edition

ICLG - Mergers & Acquisitions Laws and Regulations 2024 - New Zealand

Clarification from High Court of Australia about damages for wasted expenditure

Preventing publication in the Supreme Court: Dew v Discovery NZ Ltd

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP): freedom of expression and reputation management

The Government’s ambitious agenda for housing

Four Years in: Lessons for New Zealand from Australia's CDR Experience

Covid-19 and psychosocial risks: outcome of Siouxsie Wiles and University of Auckland case

NZ Government releases Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage framework

Liz Blythe recognised on inaugural Power List

DJ businesses face the music as Commerce Commission declines clearance

Thoughts on a Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage framework for New Zealand

The largest IT outage in history: CrowdStrike's routine software update

Local Water Done Well – The Committee reports back

Natalie Steur named on Most Influential Lawyers list

Updated guidance on health and safety governance: what does it mean for officers?

NZ Consumer Data Right Bill passes first reading

Second Emissions Reduction Plan – what's next for energy?

Second emissions reduction plan: an opportunity for engagement on key policy details

And a little of that human touch: the Commerce Commission updates its Enforcement Response Guidelines

Nathaniel Walker again recognised as leading Private Client expert

Russell McVeagh expands technology expertise with new senior associate

Digital Download: Tech Half Year in Review

Digital Download: Tech Half Year in Review (script version)

Russell McVeagh establishes a South Island presence

Reforms proposed to modernise the Companies Act

Legal 500: TMT Comparative Guide, 8th Edition

Fast-track consenting – less politics, more of the same?

New Zealand sets sail with scope of offshore renewable energy regulatory regime announcement

Proposed changes to the AML/CFT Act announced

Consumer Data Right consultations begin for banking and electricity sectors

Reserve Bank consults on non-core standards – implications for locally incorporated deposit takers

Reserve Bank consults on non-core standards – implications for branches

Local Water Done Well - councils' guide to the next 12 months

Cabinet paper released: Fit for purpose financial services reform

12 NZ Law Awards Excellence Awardee placings

Breaking Ground - Spring 2024 Edition

Reserve Bank seeks feedback on a potential bail-in resolution tool

5 Key Takeaways from the Climate Change and Business Conference 2024

Russell McVeagh advising on major infrastructure capital raise

Supreme Court confirms Building Act longstop does not apply to contribution claims

Lexology In-Depth: Virtual Currency Regulation New Zealand, Edition 7

Out with the old, in with the new – A(nother) replacement RMA is on the way

Chambers & Partners Private Equity 2024: A Global Practice Guide

Four days to submit on proposed law reinstating offshore oil and gas exploration in New Zealand

Major reform of the building consent system

Court of Appeal confirms dismissal of 'leaky building' class action

Watching Brief - October 2024

Climate-related disclosures: Consultation on extensions to adoption provisions

Final Stage of NZX's Director Independence Review Complete

Major reform proposed for New Zealand's overseas investment controls

Government announces 3-part AML/CFT reform work programme

Fast-track Approvals Bill – what's changed?

Court of Appeal clarifies rights of purchasers of partially completed tiny homes on insolvency