In Series 5 of The Digital Download: Tech Half Year in Review, we look at some of the top tech trends and highlights from the first half of 2024, and touch on several new developments in the tech space including in relation to the CDR and other PayTech initiatives, AI, biometrics, FinTech and crypto.
Episode One: Cyber Resiliency
In Episode One, Technology, Digital and Strategic Sourcing expert Liz Blythe and her team, along with Litigation partner Kirsten Massey, outline some of the most material cyber events and developments over the last few months, including the progression of the UK's Cybersecurity and Resilience Bill and the CrowdStrike global outage crisis.
Episode Two: CDR and PayTech
In Episode Two, our Technology, Digital and Strategic Sourcing experts are joined by Competition / Public Law and Regulation partner Petra Carey to outline recent developments in New Zealand's Consumer Data Right journey and other paytech developments, and foreshadow the Commerce Commissions' announcements this week regarding Payment NZ's authorisation application to develop a partnering framework with API providers and third parties, and recommendations under the Retail Payment system Act 2022.
Episode Three: Developments in AI
In Episode Three, our Technology, Digital and Strategic Sourcing experts outline developments in the AI space over the past six months, including recent class actions, finalisation of the European Union's AI Act, regulation in New Zealand, and actions taken by the Privacy Commissioner.
Episode Four: Privacy, Digital Identity and Biometrics
In Episode Four, our experts outline legal updates relating to biometrics, digital identity and privacy in New Zealand over the last six months, including a draft biometrics processing code and calls for Privacy Act modernisation.
Episode Five: FinTech Regulatory Developments
In Epsiode 5, our experts are joined by Tax partner Fred Ward and Banking & FInance partner Tom Hunt to look at regulatory developments in FinTech, including the Reserve Bank's progress towards introducing digital cash, and the Inland Revenue's recent crypto crackdown.