Powering ahead with offshore wind regulatory settings – is Aotearoa New Zealand open for business?

Mei Fern Johnson, Daniel Minhinnick , Alice Gilbert
Published on:
28 July 2022


  • "Wind Energy Resources in New Zealand" New Zealand Wind Energy Association <www.windenergy.org.nz>.

  • "'Unlimited Resource': NZ's offshore energy revolution" (17 June 2022) Newsroom <www.newsroom.co.nz>.

  • New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Rautaki Hanganga o Aotearoa 2022 - 2052 New Zealand Infrastructure Strategy (May 2022) at 7.

  • Beehive New Zealand Government "Supercharging decarbonisation & transforming the energy system" (press release, 16 May 2022).

  • Te hau mārohi ki anamata: Towards a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy (Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, May 2022) at Action 11.2.1.

  • EEZ Act, s 4.  "Existing interests" includes existing marine consents, rights of access, navigation and fishing and (among other interests that iwi and hapu may hold) settlements of historical claims under the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975.

  • Te hau mārohi ki anamata: Towards a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy (Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, May 2022) at Action 11.2.1.

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